Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween parties nerdy college employee style

We just had our Halloween party at work. Zoe's cupcakes were a huge hit. I am dressed as Jack Skellington,
yes that is me
 and my boss was death which a few people mumbled that silent and odd fit him well.. We had a really boring Powerpoint presentation about evaluating processes or some shit. Then the party started with food like roast duck (HEADS INCLUDED!!!) Caviar, and a Potato/Lobster/Leek soup that was fucking amazing, Then we had candy corn races... One person holds a cup of candy corn, with two teammates and spoons you transfer the candy corn from cup one to cup two using all three team members and the spoons. I was the anchor, and the

student helpdesk girl...(terrible with names) was middle player leaving Justin to run.

My transfer to her worked perfectly and we dropped none, but turns out her and I are both lefty's..... hand off to Justin and it was all spoon handle conflicts and flying candy corn... we still pulled off 2nd place with 48 pieces.  Then was time for Halloween Jeopardy, our team was Ethan (Astronaut), Mary (Sandals and Socks Guy from Pemco) and me looking like the pic on the right. They are both very competitive, i'm not but do know lots of useless things. We won of course, because none of us would answer unless we knew for sure and we only knew for sure the really obscure ones. Cameron was MC here is a shot of him... not really sure what the costume was but CAPTAIN AWESOME probably fits.

The food was good, the games were fun, I am nauseated from the candy and sweets, and wanna go home and to bed to wrap myself around Zoe (especially if she will leave on the blue wig and lashes... see below.)
OMG will you dress like this for me again please ???

oh yessssss, and the striped the left. She can take off everything else.... maybe leave the glittery disco dots next to her eye :-)

Damn she is gorgeous...

K enough obsessing with my lovey.

Yall have a good haunting and things...

Much Love,

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